1. 關係代名詞 (Relative Pronoun)
2. 複合關係代名詞 (Compound Relative Pronoun)
3. 關係副詞 (Relative Adverb)
關係子句是由 who, whom, whose, which, that 或 when, where, why 所引導出來的形容詞子句。先來試試這幾道題,以下這些題皆為關係子句的用法:
- The boy _______ stands next to me is my brother.
(A) whom (B) who (C) that (D) whoever
2. She said hello to _______ her parents invited.
(A) whom (B) that (C) whomever (D) whoever
3. The library is _______ Ms. White worked 10 years ago.
(A) which (B) what (C) that (D) where

1. (B) (C) 都可以
2. (C)
3. (D)
I. 關係代名詞 (Relative Pronoun)
1) 當先行詞為「人」且為「主格」時,就用 who / that 來處理
(a) I ran into the man. (我遇到那個男人)
(b) The man works in a bar. (那個男人在酒吧工作)
- 將句子 (a) (b) 用 and 連起來
(a)+(b) = I run into the man and the man works in a bar. - 再用關係代名詞 who 來取代掉 and 跟 the man
I run into the man and the man works in a bar.
變成 I run into the man who works in a bar.
2) 當先行詞為「人」且為「受格」時,就用 who/whom/that 來處理
(a) The designer is Amy's husband.
(b) Lisa hired the designer.
- 將句子 (a) (b) 用連接詞 and 連起來
(a)+(b) = The designer is Amy's husband and Lisa hired the designer. - 再用關係代名詞 that 將連接詞 and 跟第二句受詞 the designer 換掉
The designer that Lisa hired is Amy's husband.
3) 當先行詞為「物」且為「受格」時,就用 which/that/或省略來處理
(a) Gary wants to buy the robot.
(b) Ben also likes the robot.
- 將句子 (a) (b) 用連接詞 and 連起來
(a)+(b) = Gary wants to buy the robot and Ben also likes the robot. - 再用關係代名詞 which 將連接詞 and 跟第二句受詞 the robot 換掉
Gary wants to buy the robot which Ben also likes.
(a) The ballon is red. (那個氣球是紅色的)
(b) The boy is holding the ballon. (那個男孩拿著那個氣球)
合併後變成:The ballon (which/that) the boy is holding is red.
4) 當先行詞為「所有格」時,不管是人是物,都用 whose 來處理
(a) Jonas entered the house.
(b) The house's door was open.
- 將句子 (a) (b) 用連接詞 and 連起來
Jonas entered the house and the house's door was open. - 再用關係代名詞 whose 將連接詞 and 跟所有格 the house's 換掉
變為 Jonas entered the house whose door was open.
II. 複合關係代名詞
複合關係代名詞 (Compound Relative Pronoun) 包括 what, whatever 還有關係代名詞加上字尾 -ever 的 whoever, whichever , whomever, whosever。
1) what 的用法 (what = the things that...)
The students didn't understand what the teacher just said.
=The students didn't understand the things that the teacher just said.
2) whatever 的用法 (whatever = anything that...)
Karen doesn't like whatever pollutes the environment.
= Karen doesn't like anything that pollutes the environment.
3) whoever 的用法 (whoever = anyone who...)
The girl will give a gift to whoever helped her.
= The girl will give a gift to anyone who helped her.
4) whichever 的用法 (whichever = any one of them that...)
Pick whichever you want for birthday.
= Pick any one of them that you want for birthday.
5) whomever 的用法 (whomever = anyone whom)
Mandy will invite whomever she likes to her party.
= Mandy will invite anyone whom she likes to her party.
III. 關係副詞 (Relative Adverb)
- 表地點 where =in/at/on which
- 表時間 when =in/on/from which ...
- 表原因 why = for which
1) 表地點 where
(a) That's the classroom. (那是那個教室)
(b) We met in the classroom for the first time. (我們第一次見面是在那個教室)
- 將句子 (a) (b) 用連接詞 and 連起來
That's the classroom and we met in the classroom for the first time.
(那是那個教室,而我們第一次見面是在那個教室) - 用關係代名詞 which 將 and 跟 the classroom 換掉
對,你沒有看錯!這邊一樣要回到「關係代名詞」的觀念,所以這邊可以用關係代名詞 which 代替掉連接詞 and 還有第二句的 the classroom。
classroom是「物」, 所以用關係代名詞 which ,變為 That's the classroom which we met in for the first time.
(注意囉,介系詞 in 還在喔! 只有 and 和 the classroom 被取代掉)
3. 移動介系詞
將 in 移動到關係代名詞 which 前面。因為本來 (b) 句當中的 in the classroom 變成 in which 變為 That's the classroom in which we met for the first time.
4. 用關係副詞 where 將 in which 換掉
由於關係副詞的功能是 介系詞+關係代名詞
因此這邊可以用 where 代替掉句子中的 in which 變成
That's the classroom where we met for the first time.
用中文來看,「我們第一次見面的」就是個形容詞,所以我們才會說 where 帶出的這部份是個形容詞子句喔!
2) 表時間 when
(a) I remember that day. (我記得那天)
(b) We first met on that day. (我們第一次相遇在那天)
- 將句子 (a) (b) 用連接詞 and 連起來
I remember that day and we first met on that day.
(我記得那天,而我們第一次相遇在那天) - 關係代名詞 which 將 and 跟 that day 換掉
I remember that day which we first met on. - 移動介系詞
將 on 移動到關係代名詞 which 前面
I remember that day on which we first met.
4. 用關係副詞 where 將 in which 換掉
I remember that day when we first met. (我記得我們第一次相遇的那天)
「我們第一次相遇的」就是形容詞「... 的」的概念
由此可知,when 這個關係副詞帶出的是一個形容詞子句
📌 小筆記
有時候 when 無法拆解成 「介系詞+關代」,為什麼呢?
- It was a year ago when we first met each other.
(a) It was a year ago.
(b) We first met each other a year ago.
看到 (b) 句,找到原因了嗎?
答案就是:"a year ago" 這個時間副詞本身就不需要加介系詞
3) 表原因 why
- The teacher didn't know (the reason) why John took a leave yesterday.
(老師不知道為什麼 John 昨天請假)
只要把 the reason 加回來就可以理解為什麼了
a) The teacher didn't know the reason. (老師不知道那個原因)
b) John was absent yesterday for the reason. (John 因為某事請假)
- 將句子 (a) (b) 用連接詞 and 連起來
The teacher didn't know the reason and John was absent yesterday for the reason.
2. 關係代名詞 which 將連接詞 and 跟 第二句的 the reason 換掉
The teacher didn't know the reason which John took a leave yesterday for.
3. 移動介系詞
將 for 移動到關係代名詞 which 前面。因為本來 (b) 句當中的 for the reason 變成 for which 變為 The teacher didn't know the reason for which John took a leave yesterday.
4. 用關係副詞 why 將 for which 換掉
The teacher didn't know the reason why John took a leave yesterday.
(老師不知道 John 昨天請假的原因=老師不知道為什麼 John 昨天請假)
* the reason 有時可省略
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