英文當中有不少長得非常相似的字,有些意思相近,有些則天差地遠,像是 「dairy (奶製品、酪農業)/ diary(日記)」。我們挑選出 20 組易混淆單字,分成 Part 1 和 Part 2 兩篇文章,並搭配實用例句來幫助你熟悉這些字的意思、詞性及用法。
1) altar vs. alter
altar (n.) 聖壇;祭壇
【例】The offerings are placed on the altar.
有一個片語是 leave someone at the altar 字面上是「把某人留在聖壇」,意思其實是「在最後一刻悔婚」因為教堂都會有聖壇,而婚禮會辦在教堂所以如果把人留在聖壇就等於是在最後關頭悔婚的意思!
【例】Tom left his fiancée at the altar.
【譯】Tom 在最後一刻悔婚了/ Tom 的未婚妻被他毀婚了
alter (v.) 修改;更動;使變化
【例】The suit has to be altered.
【例】 Simon altered some of his future plans because of the pandemic.
【譯】因為疫情,Simon 更動了一些未來的計劃
2) except vs. expect
except (prep., conj.) 除了...
【例】That Thai restaurant on the corner is open everyday except Fridays.
【例】Everyone has arrived at the airport except for Jerry.
【譯】除了 Jerry,大家都到機場了
expect (v.) 預料;期待
【例】I didn't expect to see my ex-girlfriend at the party.
📌 expectation (n.) 期待、期望
【例】Most parents set high expectations for their children.
3) inability vs. disability
ability 是「能力」的意思,通常 in- 和 dis- 的字首都有相反或負面的意思。所以 inability 和 disability 都跟「能力」有關,但意思完全不能互用
inability (n.) 無能力、能力不足
【例】 His inability to drive a car kept himself from getting the job.
disability (n.) 殘疾、缺陷;無行為能力
【例】Her disability doesn't prevent her from pursuing her dream.
📌 由以上的例子可知,這兩者的無能力的概念是不一樣的。disability 是因為身體缺陷,不可抗力因素下的無能力,而 inability 則是自身能力不足
4) literacy vs. literary
literacy 和 literary 雖然跟「文字」都有擦上一點邊、拼法上也只差一個字母,但兩者詞性不一樣、意思也差很多,千萬要看清楚
literacy (n.) 識字能力;(某方面的)識讀能力、素養
【例】Literacy is lowest in least developed countries.
📌 computer literacy 電腦素養
media literacy 媒體識讀
literary (a.) 文學的
【例】The novelist has received several literary awards for his latest book.
📌 literature (n.) 文學
British literature 英國文學
American literature 美國文學
5) personnel vs. personal
personnel (n.) 人事;人事部門
【例】The company seemed to make some changes in personnel.
📌 Personnel Manager 人事部經理
personal (a.) 個人的、私人的
【例】Don't answer personal questions at the workplace.
【例】He has his own personal body guard.
📌 personal remark(s) / attack(s) 人身攻擊
【例】Please avoid making personal remarks against others.
6) purpose vs. propose
purpose (n.) 目的;意圖;用途
【例】The main purpose of this meeting is to set our seasonal goals.
📌 do sth on purpose 故意做某事
【例】The boy broke the windows on purpose because he wanted to draw his mother's attention.
propose (v.) 提案、提議;建議;計畫;求婚
【例】I propose that we move this meeting to next Monday.
【例】I proposed to finish the project tonight.
【例】Samuel proposed to his girlfriend.
【譯】Samuel 向他的女朋友求婚了
📌 propose a toast to 提議為 ...乾杯
【例】He proposed a toast to the bride and groom.

7) stationery vs. stationary
stationery (n.) 文具
【例】I like to go to the stationery store.
📌 stationery 是文具的總稱,是不可數的喔!
stationary (adj.) 靜止的、固定的;不變的;穩定的
【例】The water in the pool is stationary.
【例】The rate of inflation has been stationary for several months.
8) principal vs. principle
principal (n.) 校長 / (adj.) 主要的 / (n.) 本金
【例】 Low income was my principal reason for seeking a part-time job.
【例】She lives off the interest and tries to keep the principal intact.
principle (n.) 原則、準則
【例】He was a man of principle.
📌 in principle 原則上、基本上
9) custom / customs / costume
終於來到 3 個一組的易混淆字,放在一起是不是長得很像三胞胎呢?
custom (n.) 習俗;地方風俗;習慣
【例】We don't have the custom of celebrating Easter in our country.
【例】Drinking coffee in the morning is his custom.

customs (n.) 海關
【例】It's necessary to go through customs when traveling abroad.
📌 customs officers 海關人員
costume (n.) 裝扮;服裝
【例】You can find some materials online and make your own Halloween costume.【譯】你可以在網路上找材料,做你自己專屬的萬聖節裝扮
📌 a clown costume 小丑服
一套 XX 的服裝,為可數
【例】The teacher wore a Santa Claus costume on Christmas.
📌 historical costume 古裝
national/folk costume 民族服裝
【例】Those performers are all dressed in historical costume.
10) migrate / emigrate / immigrate
migrate (v) (人)移居;(動物)遷徙
【例】Some birds migrate annually to a warmer place.
【例】A lot of Asians migrated to Australia in the last decade.
emigrate (v) 移民,(自某地)移出
【例】Ian emigrated from South Korea when he was 5 years old.
【譯】Ian 五歲時從南韓移民
immigrate (v) 移民,(由外地)移入
【例】Ian and his family immigrated to the U.S.
【譯】Ian 和他的家人移民到了美國
📌 migrate 就是「移居」,「移居」包含 emigrate 「移出」和 immigrate「移入」不過 migrate 可以是「暫時或永久性的移居」,而 emigrate 和 immigrate 則是「永久性移民」。emigrate 和 immigrate 的方向性、進出差別,要記清楚喔
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