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  • FreemiumUnlimited access to
    certain minoritized languages
    FreeAbout $

    Catalan, Gaelic, Hakka (Sixian), Hakka (Hailu), Kurdish (Sorani), Manx, Welsh, Taiwanese, Wenzhounese

  • BasicUnlimited access to
    1 language
    $16.99$13.33USD/moAbout $ 13

    Can change Base and Target Language once every 30 days

    Download 100 sentence pairs for offline use

    ProUnlimited access to
    60+ languages
    $30.99$25USD/moAbout $ 25

    Train as many languages as you wish

    Download 500 sentence pairs for offline use

  • EnterpriseBusinesses, schools, and families
    Custom BuiltAbout $

    Manage multiple users (learning metrics, progress reports, testing results)

BasicUnlimited access to
1 language
$16.99$13.33USD/moAbout $ 13

Can change Base and Target Language once every 30 days

Download 100 sentence pairs for offline use

ProUnlimited access to
60+ languages
$30.99$25USD/moAbout $ 25

Train as many languages as you wish

Download 500 sentence pairs for offline use

EnterpriseBusinesses, schools, and families
Custom BuiltAbout $

Manage multiple users (learning metrics, progress reports, testing results)

FreemiumUnlimited access to
certain minoritized languages
FreeAbout $

Catalan, Gaelic, Hakka (Sixian), Hakka (Hailu), Kurdish (Sorani), Manx, Welsh, Taiwanese, Wenzhounese

Compare Plans

Access to all languages9 minoritized languagesAny 1 languageCustom
Download sentence pairs (Base + Target) for offline use100 pairs
for 1 language
500 pairs
for each language
Personalized content based on your interests and ability
Review with built-in spaced-repetition algorithm
Hands-free Listening-only mode
Full-practice mode (typing, dictation, recall, listening, and recording)
Customize your learning (adjust audio speed, change base language, etc)
Weekly progress report
*Some minoritized languages’ full-practice mode is still in development.

Glossika Premium Subscription for Students

Verify your student status to get a 55% off discount code. Starting from $7.65 USD/month — cancel at any time.

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What Our Users Are Saying

Glossika has helped immensely in reinforcing grammar ideas.

Glossika came through at the perfect time because I have a basic understanding of Japanese grammar, and finally being exposed to bite-size sentences in the language which were easily understandable and most importantly, PERFECT for practising actual speaking and listening, was a catalyst for me that I’d been waiting for since forever.

I find Glossika very useful in terms of: increasing my vocabulary and conveying relatively useful/common structures I would use on a day-to-day basis. My German sentences become longer and have more structure now. It has really helped me develop my speaking skills.

Being able to speak in sentences is important, and that's what Glossika does for you.

Because of Glossika, I felt more comfortable speaking the language. You learn how to use vocabulary in the context of the sentence with Glossika.

It's fascinating how repetition works. I will tell people that if their goal is to speak, then Glossika is for them.

The primary way that I was learning was through sporadic classes online. I learned a lot of vocabulary but I still had trouble speaking. But after one week of using Glossika daily for Spanish, I saw improvement immediately!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How secure is my credit card information?
We take your privacy and payment security seriously. For that reason, we use Stripe as our payment processor. The credit card data that you enter will never pass through or be stored on any Glossika machines. The data is sent directly to Stripe, where maximum protection and security of financial data is ensured.
2. What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept all major credit cards and debit cards.
3. Can I upgrade / downgrade / cancel my subscription at anytime?
Yes, you can upgrade, downgrade or cancel at any time.

Your subscription(s) will automatically renew until you choose to cancel them. When you cancel, we’ll stop billing you from the next billing cycle, and you’ll be able to continue using Glossika for the remainder of the current billing period.
4. What is your refund policy?
Subscriptions for the current month are final and may not be refunded. Canceling your subscription will disable automatic renewal and cancel any future payments. You may upgrade or cancel your Glossika plan at any time.

If you are on the annual plan, you may downgrade or cancel your subscription plan within 60 days of purchase to receive a refund for the remainder of your unused subscription time. This refund is calculated at a rate of $16.99 USD/month if you are subscribed to the Basic plan, or $30.99 USD/month if you are subscribed to the Pro plan. To get your refund processed, please get in touch with us via in-app chat or email us at
5. What does "convert currency" mean?
Glossika makes use of, an open-source tool, to provide our subscription fee in different currencies. We update the currency exchange rate on a daily basis, but please keep in mind that the transaction will be in USD and the price is subject to currency fluctuation at the time of purchase.
6. Is there a free plan or free trial? Will I get charged after my free trial?
Yes, we encourage you to try it first.

Glossika offers 7-day full access. Simply sign up and instantly access everything. There is no obligation nor credit card required. You won’t be charged during your free trial. You'll only get charged if you subscribe to Glossika.
7. What are "free" languages?
We have made certain minoritized languages available for training even without a subscription*, currently including Catalan, Manx (UK) Welsh (UK), Kurdish (Iraq), Taiwanese Hokkien (Taiwan), Hakka (Taiwan), Wenzhounese (China), Gaelic (Scotland). We see this as being merely a beginning, however, and hope to offer support for more languages in the future with support from our Viva platform.

*While the course content is totally free, certain premium features are available only with a subscription.

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