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2019-11-01 20:11

Thai Updates

* romanization pronunciation has been updated to a modified Royal Thai General System. We use 2 romanizations: one with accents for tones over core vowels, the other for ease of typing answers placing tones at the end of every syllable, (M)id (H)igh (L)ow (F)alling (R)ising
* modifications include: doubling letters for long vowels, aspirated consonants add -h (including ch), unaspirated have no -h (including c), separate from voiced consonants (Thai doesn't have 'g')
* updated syllable detection and word boundaries using a combination of AI and other algorithms
* multiple-syllable words found in the dictionary are now indicated with hyphens between syllables (not required when we turn typing back on)
* foreign personal names have no authoritatively correct spelling in Thai, so we're introducing ruby text in these cases that show the English spelling of a name, and when typing practice is turned on, we'll allow optional typing of names in English, Thai, or romanization
* we're also working on a new update for foreign names used on Glossika
* this is the first of several new Thai text updates. Some bugs have made it into the current release: such as อยู่ yuL not showing long vowel and a dangling length sign on romanization of เธอ thoeMː. These and other bugs will be resolved in the next update
* a vocabulary tool for tracking your Thai vocabulary will be released on Glossika soon

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