Learn Russian Tips to Start Learning Russian A Few Tips to Help You Start Learning Russian Russian is seen as one of the harder languages to learn for English speakers. The gap between English and, let's say Spanish, simply is
Inspirational Stories A Harvard PhD Trains with Glossika Every Morning Tuo just obtained a PhD at Harvard University and is living in the Boston area. His mother tongue is Mandarin Chinese, but he arrived in Montreal, Canada, when he was 5, where French
Inspirational Stories How an EU Polyglot Interpreter Saves Time Maintaining Fluency Emilio is an interpreter for the European Union living in Brussels. Originally from Spain, he speaks 5 languages fluently and is learning 2 more. Before moving to Brussels, Emilio lived in Vienna and
Learn Russian Debunking 4 Common Myths about Learning the Russian Language If you haven't made up your mind about learning Russian, then take a closer look at these 4 common myths surrounding the difficulty of the Russian language. Is it really that hard? Let's find out together!
Language Learning Tips The Biggest Language Learning Mistake I Made in 2017 This week's post is created by Benjamin of Language Ascent. Reviewing Last Year's Language Learning As one year draws to a close and a new year begins, I’d like to take a