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2019-11-08 01:05

Guidelines for Thai Typing

An example sentence:
* Correct: คุณaaaไม่มางานปาร์ตี้
* Correct: khunM name maiF maM nganM paM-tiF
* Correct: khunm sabeen mayf ma ngan pba tdi
* Correct: khunm saben mai ma: ngaan pa:M-tdiif
* Incorrect: khun sabine mai maah nganM pam tif (wrong tone: h)
* Incorrect: คุณaaaไม่่มางานปารตี้ (1st tone typed twice and silent marker not added on ร์)

Fuzzy matching is not available for typing in Thai
* typing out of order (always do top/bottom vowels before adding tones)
* letters should be typed in sequence from left to right including pre-vowels
* many vowel and consonant sequences are homophones, so be sure to type the correct spellings
* if we have a spelling mistake, please inform us and we'll correct it.

We use Royal Thai romanization with a couple changes:
* Glossika indicates long vowels
* we use c instead of j
* caveat: open and closed /o/ not distinguished, so please consult the IPA on the recording page

Fuzzy matching is available for romanization as follows:
* syllables ending in either -o/w, -i/y, -s/t, -f/p, -d/t are accepted
* mid consonants writter either p/pb, t/td are accepted
* vowels will be accepted whether you type them long or short. Double the first core vowel for long vowels, or use : (colon) after the first core vowel
* tones are written with a single letter at the end of the word: (H)igh, (M)iddle, (L)ow, (F)alling, (R)ising. Tones are optional and can be omitted. Note: if you write the wrong tone, your answer will be wrong.
* spaces between syllables and phrases are optional
* dashes between syllables are optional or you may use spaces instead
* punctuation can be ignored
* personal names have no correct spelling in Thai, so you may enter the English spelling, the Thai spelling, or simply omit the name, as we will not count a sentence wrong if you type a name wrong. Names are not that important in learning languages, but Glossika uses lots of names as anchors in sentences to help learners parse sentences more easily.

Contact Us if:
* you find a spelling mistake (send us a screenshot)
* a correct answer keeps triggering incorrect (copy your text answer and send it to us with a screenshot of the original Thai sentence)
* you find Thai text mixed in with romanization (send us a screenshot)
* you find syllables split incorrectly, a wrong romanization, or wrong tone marker (send us the URL link to the correct form you found in a dictionary as proof, include a Glossika screenshot of the sentence)

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