Learn Japanese Learn About the Japanese Kanji Iteration Mark 々 2023 update: I'm excited to say that we've recently partnered with Outlier Linguistics, and they're well known for exploring the nitty-gritty details of characters — just like we do in this post. If you
Linguistics What is Denasalization? Denasalization Symbols in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) These are uncommon among the world's languages and represent languages that are currently undergoing a change between two stable states of articulation: nasal and non-nasal.
Language Learning Tips Glossika Phonics Video Channel Launched! Over the past few years, I've had a plan to launch comprehensive coverage of everything one can find in the international phonetic alphabet (IPA). And we've finally launched the channel. Visit the Glossika
Language Learning Tips List of Language Resources In addition to accumulating thousands of paper books and photographing thousands of pages from national libraries, I also make frequent use of a subset of the following websites and online tools which I'm
Lithuanian Language Getting Started to Learn the Lithuanian Language Welcome to the Modern Source of the Indo-European language family. If you're interested in Europe's linguistic heritage, start here to learn Lithuanian! Languages such as Bengali and Sinhalese spoken far to the east,
Inspirational Stories Aged 30 He Speaks 19 Languages - Learn His One Secret to Learn Any Language The majority of people want to learn a foreign language well and perhaps dream of becoming a polyglot. The methods I'm going to share with you today will help you put focus onto
Language Learning Tips Hack Foreign Vocabulary with the DNA of Language We've looked at Spatial Memory and Language Families, and now we can apply similar concepts that we understand from biology to track how languages evolve over time and space. In our next post,
Learn Chinese Middle Chinese Readings- Part 2 For more information about what is presented here, please consult Middle Chinese Readings- Part 1. Here at Glossika we process a lot of Chinese characters. We offer courses for Chinese (Beijing) and Chinese
Learn Chinese Middle Chinese Readings- Part 1 I recently calculated the readings of several thousand Chinese characters based on the categories given in old dictionaries. The data presented here is unique given the fact that I retain the palatal endings
Language Learning Tips The problem with text-based methods and vocabulary memorization In Learn Languages Like a Child?, we touched briefly on whether adults can learn languages more effectively than children, and in Can adults learn languages more effectively than children?, we discussed methodology. In
Language Learning Tips Can adults learn languages more effectively than children? In the previous article we touched briefly on whether adults can learn languages more effectively than children. In this article, we'll touch on methodology. Sentences with Comprehensible Input What is needed is a
Language Learning Tips Second Language Acquisition vs Learning A slideshow recently published discusses Krashen's five main hypotheses on second language acquisition. Here is a recapitulation of the points covered. The Acquisition-Learning Hypothesis Acquisition and learning are completely different. Acquisition means you're
What is the Phonological Loop? Sentences Stuck in Your Head If you're a learner of German then you may have encountered the term Ohrwurm, or earworm, which describes a piece of music or phrase that repeats itself over
Language Learning Tips Memory Anchors Don't memorize - Use your Senses In the article "Memory and Language Learning", I discussed briefly how memory is made up of synapses between nerve cells, how these are created and
Language Learning Tips Memory and Language Learning How does Memory Work? If memories are things, then what do they actually look like?[^1] Memory is complex, but in its simplest form, they are nerve cells that connect to each other