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2020-03-11 10:04

Additional typing compatibility

We've added compatibility for two high frequency split morpheme vocabulary: -達/たち/だち and -付/つ/づ. Originally if our translator had used kanji, a complete match with the root was required as in 友達 or deprecated to ともだち but wouldn't accept 友だち which is a frequent spelling used by students. We've added this compatibility. Now all combinations will work: 友達、友だち、とも達 (not recommended, but still accepted!)、ともだち、友dachi、ともdachi, and several more combinations. There are many more split morphemes that may appear in bounded compound words and we're adding compatibility for more. If you find that an answer is not accepted, although you're certain you're using the right kanji, try switching to all hiragana. We have made efforts to accept kanji beyond the standard Jouyou sets as correct, but not necessarily every possible variation. Kanji also have many alternative, traditional, or older variants, and we currently do not support them.

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