We know that it's important to get a right answer as quickly and easily as possible.
This important update now includes fuzzy match on foreign personal names, reduplication, currency, and numbers. Examples follow:
Fuzzy Name Match:
Names don't have to be spelled exactly as in the original translation:
"Klara" or "Clara" or even "Claire" are all okay!
You may enter reduplicated words with "2" and hyphens are optional:
"anak-anak" or "anak2"
"berdesak-desakan" or "berdesakdesakan" or "berdesak2an"
Optional spaces in numbers:
"duapuluh" or "dua puluh" is okay!
Optional currency symbols or spellings:
"seratus dua puluh dolar" or "$120" or "120"
Just a reminder that we still provide fuzzy accents, capitalization, and punctuation:
Accents are optional:
Accents are here to help you with pronunciation, and are not expected to be typed (applies to all Glossika languages):
"bésok" or "besok"
Capitalization is optional:
"Saya sudah..." or "saya sudah..."
"di New York" or "di new york"
Punctuation is all optional:
"Berapa umurmu?" or "berapa umurmu"