Research Tones in Asian Languages 🌏 This in-depth guide allows you to master the tones of Mandarin, Thai, Cantonese, Taiwanese, Vietnamese and switch between them with ease taught by polyglot Michael Campbell.
Language Learning Tips This Forgotten Fluency Trick has been Used for 1000s of Years Most polyglots speak unwritten languages that have no dictionaries or written words. The author takes you on an adventure to uncover the long lost tradition of oral language learning from around the globe.
Language Learning Tips The Biggest Language Learning Mistake I Made in 2017 This week's post is created by Benjamin of Language Ascent. Reviewing Last Year's Language Learning As one year draws to a close and a new year begins, I’d like to take a
Language Learning Tips Why Should You Learn a Foreign Language? This new age of constant change is both exciting and worrying. It’s exciting because we are seeing new inventions and discoveries almost every day. And, worrying because of how often we need
Language Learning Tips How to Stay Productive In Your Daily Language Training? How to Stay Productive? For many working adults, finding the time to learn a new language is enough of a struggle, not to mention keeping up with daily practice. If you’re looking
Language Learning Tips Why is Learning a Foreign Language So Important? 7 Reasons to Learn a Foreign Language In this day and age where the world is so easily connected via technology and social networking, being at least bilingual is becoming more and more
Language Learning Tips How to Get Started Learning to Speak Your First Foreign Language Speaking a Foreign Language for the First Time Learning a foreign language for the very first time can be intimidating and daunting at first. In fact, it may even seem like an utterly
Language Learning Tips 3 Common Language Learning Obstacles and How to Overcome Them How to Overcome Language Learning Obstacles Thinking about it, language learning comes with all kinds of struggles and obstacles. After all, here you are trying to learn a language that you may have
Language Learning Tips How to Break Through the Barriers in Writing Breaking Through Barriers in Writing When it comes to learning a new language, we aim to master all areas of competencies: reading, writing, speaking and listening. While most learners envision to acquire the
Language Learning Tips Glossika Phonics Video Channel Launched! Over the past few years, I've had a plan to launch comprehensive coverage of everything one can find in the international phonetic alphabet (IPA). And we've finally launched the channel. Visit the Glossika
Language Learning Tips List of Language Resources In addition to accumulating thousands of paper books and photographing thousands of pages from national libraries, I also make frequent use of a subset of the following websites and online tools which I'm
Language Learning Tips Hack Foreign Vocabulary with the DNA of Language We've looked at Spatial Memory and Language Families, and now we can apply similar concepts that we understand from biology to track how languages evolve over time and space. In our next post,
Language Learning Tips The problem with text-based methods and vocabulary memorization In Learn Languages Like a Child?, we touched briefly on whether adults can learn languages more effectively than children, and in Can adults learn languages more effectively than children?, we discussed methodology. In
Language Learning Tips Can adults learn languages more effectively than children? In the previous article we touched briefly on whether adults can learn languages more effectively than children. In this article, we'll touch on methodology. Sentences with Comprehensible Input What is needed is a
Language Learning Tips Second Language Acquisition vs Learning A slideshow recently published discusses Krashen's five main hypotheses on second language acquisition. Here is a recapitulation of the points covered. The Acquisition-Learning Hypothesis Acquisition and learning are completely different. Acquisition means you're