We've been receiving a lot of positive feedback ever since we launched the personalized review function in August 2019.
Now after countless testing and optimization, we are extremely happy to announce four new review features which improves customization to your own preferences! Before we get started, let me give you a brief introduction of how your personalized review list is prepared.
Your Algorithm-Supported, Personalized Review List
After you finish a new language training session, you'll soon see a red little box telling you how many items you need to review.
Your personalized review list is calculated by several factors including time, memory decay rate, your performance when doing typing and dictation practice, sentence difficulty, etc., and is updated on a daily basis.
You can outsource your time and effort to Glossika which does all the hard work of preparing what to review, and instead just focus on actively training without worrying about what and when to do review. Simply put, you can completely rely on Glossika to do all the heavy lifting so you can enjoy learning a language.
Now with the new Do Review Your Way, you get more flexibility to complete your review tasks.
How Glossika Review Works
Here are the five options to select how you'd like to do review.

We'll break down each review option below.
OPTION 1: Priority Review - personalized review in spaced repetition order (RECOMMENDED)
By choosing this review option, you'll be able to start your review from what you've learned most recently in Glossika's review recommended list.
The spaced repetition algorithm first makes intelligent decisions on the stabilities of each item you've learned and produces a list. This list is sorted by default to display the most recently learned items first.
You may ask "Why?" Because if your time is limited and you can't get through all the review, it's best to review your newest items to strengthen them, and time allowing, then get to the older items which have less impact if you can't get to them today.
OPTION 2: Weakest memories - personalized review in spaced repetition order (RECOMMENDED)
By choosing this review option, you'll be able to start your review from the items with weakest memory strength in Glossika's review recommended list. You can find your memory strength data in Memory.
The spaced repetition algorithm first makes intelligent decisions on the stabilities of each item you've learned and produces a list. This option differs from our default sort of putting the most recent memories first: this list is sorted to display your weakest items first.
You may ask "Why would I want to do this?" A couple of scenarios might be that you're coming back from a break, or you have a large number of items in your review list. It's highly unlikely that you'll be able to clear your list today, and that's perfectly okay (no pressure!) Instead of just focusing on what you most recently learned, maybe you just need a refresher, so you'd like to start with your weakest memories and do them in that order. In fact, some of the most recently learned items are probably your weakest memories as well, but you never know as things get shuffled in the stack. And maybe you just don't want to do any typing or dictation as it's much slower, go ahead and switch to listening-only mode, really, no pressure! Since Glossika has weights and statistics on everything, just let Glossika do the heavy lifting for you.
OPTION 3: Collection - review all items non-stop

OPTION 4: Favorite - review your favorite list non-stop
No matter how many sentences you've saved in your favorite list and what levels these sentences are, you can now play all of the sentences as a review exercise. And the best thing about this is that you retain complete control: you can visit the memory page and delete sentences from your favorite list anytime you want.
We'll still calculate your reps, but this review option is not supported by the Glossika review algorithm. In other words, you may be doing review that's outside of the best optimization decided by the algorithm.
OPTION 5: Levels - review items by level non-stop
Sometimes when reaching a higher level, you might want to go back to a lower level to test your language skill, to get some sense of achievement or simply just want to make sure you understand all the sentences and vocabulary. No problem, you can now do schedule this kind of review.
We'll still calculate your reps, but this review option is outside of the scope of the optimization process of the Glossika review algorithm.
You Can Change Your Settings Anytime
Keep in mind you can always change how you'd like to do review at any time in Review Settings, so feel free to test all four options and find out what works best for you!

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