Russian Pronunciation: Stress Training
Welcome to the fourth step in learning to read Russian:
- Learn the Russian Alphabet 1: The Cyrillic Script
- Learn the Russian Alphabet 2: Italicized
- Native Russian Pronunciation 1: Five Difficulties Explained
a. Stressed/Unstressed Vowel: A Quick Reference Guide
b. Palatalization in Russian
c. Special Pronunciations of the Letter {г}
d. What is the elusive {ё}: fleeting letters
e. Intonation
- Native Russian Pronunciation 2: Stress Training Exercises

Like English, Russian has both strong and weak vowels and their pronunciation is different. This guide will help you become accustomed to the patterns through a low pressure step-by-step method.
Now that you've learned about all the hardest aspects of the Russian alphabet and how pronunciation changes, it's time to start training.
In the 26 training exercises that follow, you will learn how to change your vowels according to stress placement. This is really the most important thing about speaking Russian properly.
The translations are not exact and cannot substitute the meaning for how words are used in a sentence: translations are provided just as a general idea of the meaning and are not meant to be memorized. Instead focus on pronunciation only.
The Quick Reference Guide is in the first pronunciation article.
For more in-depth coverage of all the rules, please download my book "Glossika Guide to Russian Pronunciation and Grammar" for free, or get a copy on Google Play books.
Lesson 1: stressed and unstressed а, о, е
Note: the unstressed /ɐ/ is pronounced approximately as the {a} in "about" whereas /ə/ is pronounced like the {o} in "conceive". The /ɐ/ may give you difficulty to hit it straight on especially since Russian native speakers may not be able to isolate it deliberately. You can hear the same sound in stressed position in other languages: the 'a' in Brazilian Portuguese "canto" (but it's nasal), and the 'er' in German "oder". Cantonese is described as having this vowel, as in "人", however this Cantonese vowel is a bit off and sounds different than the Portuguese/German/Russian examples above.
Developers beware: Russian {а, о, е} have different codepoints from English {a, o, e}. You can't search Russian texts with English letters or codepoints. But major search engines have gotten very smart and nowadays on Google you can actually type out whole English phrases with your Russian keyboard on and it will know what you want, and vice versa!
кто | kto | who |
ма́ма | mamə | mom |
тома́т | tɐmat | tomato |
по | po | by |
па́па | papə | dad |
пока́ | pɐka | meanwhile |
пото́м | pɐtom | afterward |
пото́п | pɐtop | flood |
те́ма | tʲemə | theme |
паке́т | pɐkʲet | packet |
опе́ка | ɐpʲekə | guardianship |
апте́ка | ɐptʲekə | drugstore |
Lesson 2: в as voiced [v] and unvoiced [f]
In every lesson that follows, letters will be introduced in voiced and unvoied pairs. Unvoicing happens at the end of words. If you didn't already know that [v] and [f] were a pair, or that [d] and [t] were a pair (and all the others), it's easy to figure out because your tongue and mouth position are exactly the same. The only difference is that you make voicing sound from your throat for [v] and you don't for [f]. Also notice how the English word "of" is actually pronounced with a [v] sound or how the plural of "knife" is "knives". See! This is a phenomenon of the mouth and doesn't belong to any particular language. It applies to languages all around the world and it's a really cool thing to know.
вот | vot | here |
ва́та | vatə | cotton wool |
автома́т | əftɐmat | automatic machine |
отве́т | ɐtvʲet | answer |
окно́ | ɐkno | window |
конта́кт | kɐntakt | contact |
океа́н | ɐkʲɪan | ocean |
не́кто | nʲektə | somebody |
моме́нт | mɐmʲent | moment |
темнота́ | tʲɪmnata | darkness |
вон | von | there |
мото́р | mɐtor | motor |
пора́ | pɐra | time; pore |
мо́ре | morʲɪ | sea |
прое́кт | prɐʲekt | project |
а́втор | aftər | author |
во́рот | vorət | collar |
това́р | tɐvar | commodity |
впрок | fprok | for future use |
пра́во | pravə | right |
рома́н | rɐman | novel |
но́мер | nomʲɪr | size, room |
во́рон | vorən | raven |
ве́рно | vʲernə | probably |
Lesson 3: л
Note: {л} is just like in English: always light at the beginning of a syllable [l] and always dark at the end of a syllable [ƚ] as in English 'all' and Russian толпа́
and волна́
. Russian can turn a dark {л} at the end of a syllable into a light {л} by adding the soft sign, which also makes it palatal.
ма́ло | malə | few |
о́коло | okələ | about |
толпа́ | tɐlpa | crowd |
ле́то | lʲetə | summer |
те́ло | tʲelə | body |
омле́т | ɐmlʲet | omelette |
по́ле | polʲɪ | field |
вол | vol | ox |
вле́во | vlʲevə | to the left |
коле́но | kɐlʲenə | knee |
волна́ | vɐlna | wave |
Lesson 4: д as voiced [d] and unvoiced [t]
еда́ | ʲɪda | food |
дека́да | dʲɪkadə | decade |
вода́ | vɐda | water |
во́дка | votkə | vodka |
по́вод | povət | occasion |
на́до | nadə | necessary |
кома́нда | kɐmandə | team |
дека́н | dʲɪkan | dean |
дра́ма | dramə | drama |
до́ктор | doktər | doctor |
пара́д | pɐrat | parade |
пода́рок | pɐdarək | gift |
предме́т | prʲɪdmʲet | object, item |
пра́вда | pravdə | truth |
де́рево | dʲerʲɪvə | tree |
перево́д | pʲɪrʲɪvot | translation |
наро́д | nɐrot | nation |
ло́дка | lotkə | boat |
де́ло | dʲelə | business |
отде́л | ɐtdʲel | department |
до́ллар | dollər | dollar |
Lesson 5: с
There is no voicing pair for {с}, which makes it quite different from English, because English often pronounces {s} like [z], as in "as" and "has" and "was", etc. The same thing happens in French, Italian, Portuguese, and German. But not Spanish! And in this regard, Russian acts more like Spanish!
оса́ | ɐsa | wasp |
ме́сто | mʲestə | place |
песо́к | pʲɪsok | sand |
восто́к | vɐstok | east |
Москва́ | mɐskva | Moscow |
соста́в | sɐstaf | composition |
все | fsʲe | everybody |
сове́т | sɐvʲet | advice |
вме́сте | vmʲestʲɪ | together |
анана́с | ənɐnas | pineapple |
стена́ | stʲɪna | wall |
осно́ва | ɐsnovə | basis |
секре́т | sʲɪkrʲet | secret |
сестра́ | sʲɪstra | sister |
о́стров | ostrəf | island |
вопро́с | vɐpros | question |
се́вер | sʲevʲɪr | north |
сторона́ | stərɐna | side |
тра́нспорт | transpərt | transport |
стекло́ | stʲɪklo | glass |
во́лос | voləs | hair |
сла́ва | slavə | glory |
сло́во | slovə | word |
де́тство | dʲetstvə | childhood |
а́дрес | adrʲɪs | address |
сре́дство | srʲetstvə | means |
солда́т | sɐldat | soldier |
вслед | fslʲet | behind |
Lesson 6: х
In Russian alphabet articles 1 and 2, we introduced this letter in Roman form as {kh} and also compared it with English {ch} as in "character". Since we're using more IPA in this article, we're going to use the IPA letter [x] which also happens to look exactly like the Russian {х}! But developers beware, different codepoints!
ва́хта | vaxtə | naut. watch |
ве́ха | vʲexə | landmark |
хара́ктер | xɐraktʲɪr | character |
наве́рх | nɐvʲerx | upwards |
дохо́д | dɐxot | income |
отхо́д | ɐtxot | departure |
подхо́д | pɐdxot | approach |
прохо́д | prɐxot | passage |
хо́лод | xolət | cold |
схе́ма | sxʲemə | scheme |
са́хар | saxər | sugar |
восхо́д | vɐsxot | ascent, sunrise |
Lesson 7: у as stressed [u] and unstressed [ʊ]
пау́к | pɐuk | spider |
нау́ка | nɐukə | science |
рука́ | rʊka | arm |
уро́к | ʊrok | lesson |
у́тро | utrə | morning |
кула́к | kʊlak | fist |
укло́н | ʊklon | slope |
валу́н | vɐlun | boulder |
ду́ма | dumə | council |
куда́ | kʊda | where to |
докуме́нт | dəkʊmʲent | document |
уда́р | ʊdar | blow |
уро́д | ʊrot | monster |
дура́к | dʊrak | fool |
проду́кт | prɐdukt | product |
кусо́к | kʊsok | piece |
до́пуск | dopʊsk | access |
до́ступ | dostʊp | access |
секу́нда | sʲekundə | a second |
студе́нт | stʊdʲent | student |
у́хо | uxə | ear |
ухо́д | ʊxot | leaving |
успе́х | ʊspʲex | success |
Lesson 8: з as voiced [z] and unvoiced [s]
зака́з | zɐkas | order |
за́мок | zamək | castle |
замо́к | zɐmok | lock |
отка́з | ɐtkas | refusal |
пока́з | pɐkas | demonstration |
зате́м | zɐtʲem | then |
зо́на | zonа | zone |
зако́н | zɐkon | law |
взаме́н | vzɐmʲen | instead of |
зара́з | zɐras | at once |
то́рмоз | torməs | brake |
затра́та | zɐtratə | expense |
позо́р | pɐzor | shame |
разме́р | rɐzmʲer | size |
за́втрак | zaftrək | breakfast |
зо́лото | zolətə | gold |
во́зле | vozlʲɪ | beside |
зе́ркало | zʲerkələ | mirrow |
зае́зд | zɐʲest | lap |
по́езд | poʲɪst | train |
заво́д | zɐvot | factory |
звезда́ | zvʲɪzda | star |
прое́зд | prɐʲest | passage |
разде́л | rɐzdʲel | division |
зано́с | zɐnos | drift |
расска́з | rɐsskas | story |
запро́с | zɐpros | inquiry |
во́зраст | vozrəst | age |
слеза́ | slʲɪza | tear |
за́пах | zapəx | smell |
захва́т | zɐxvat | capture |
захо́д | zɐxot | approach |
па́уза | paʊzə | pause |
во́здух | vozdʊx | air |
Lesson 9: м
матема́тика | mətʲɪmatʲɪkə | mathematics |
поми́мо | pɐmʲimə | besides |
па́ника | panʲɪkə | panic |
капита́н | kəpʲitan | captain |
напи́ток | nɐpʲitək | drink |
и́менно | imʲɪnnə | exactly |
мне́ние | mnʲenʲɪʲɪ | opinion |
внима́ние | vnʲɪmanʲɪʲɪ | attention |
Аме́рика | ɐmʲerʲɪkə | America |
кварти́ра | kvɐrtʲirə | apartment |
про́тив | protʲɪf | opposite |
карти́на | kɐrtʲinə | picture |
оли́ва | ɐlʲivə | olive |
тле́ние | tlʲenʲɪʲɪ | decay |
полови́на | pəlɐvʲinə | half |
киломе́тр | kʲɪlɐmʲetr | kilometer |
материа́л | mətʲɪrʲɪal | material |
коридо́р | kərʲɪdor | corridor |
приро́да | prʲɪrodə | nature |
дире́ктор | dʲɪrʲektər | director |
пери́од | pʲɪrʲiət | period, age |
ро́дина | rodʲɪnə | homeland |
команди́р | kəmɐndʲir | commander |
систе́ма | sʲɪstʲemə | system |
мини́стр | mʲɪnʲistr | minister |
интере́с | ʲɪntʲɪrʲes | interest |
пласти́нка | plɐstʲinkə | disc |
велосипе́д | vʲɪləsʲɪpʲet | bicycle |
Lesson 10: н
мину́та | mʲɪnutə | minute |
литерату́ра | lʲɪtʲɪrɐturə | literature |
иску́сство | ʲɪskusstvə | art |
институ́т | ʲɪnstʲɪtut | institute |
зна́ние | znanʲɪʲɪ | knowledge |
назва́ние | nɐzvanʲɪʲɪ | name, title |
разви́тие | rɐzvʲitʲɪʲɪ | development |
зре́ние | zrʲenʲiʲe | sight, eyesight, vision |
ана́лиз | ɐnalʲɪs | analysis |
зда́ние | zdanʲɪʲɪ | building |
президе́нт | prʲɪzʲɪdʲent | president |
созна́ние | sɐznanʲɪʲɪ | consciousness |
Lesson 11: г as voiced [g] and unvoiced [k]
Watch out for the one word below where [g] becomes [x]. This is explained here. By the way, the word is "easy".
мно́го | mnogə | much |
програ́мма | prɐgrammə | program |
голова́ | gəlɐva | head |
генера́л | gʲɪnʲɪral | general |
пого́да | pɐgodə | weather |
не́где | nʲegdʲɪ | nowhere |
доро́га | dɐrogə | road |
легко́ | lʲɪxko | easy |
недо́лго | nʲɪdolgə | not long |
восто́рг | vɐstork | delight |
услу́га | ʊslugə | service |
газе́та | gɐzʲetə | newspaper |
разгово́р | rəzgɐvor | a talk |
иногда́ | inɐgda | sometimes |
господи́н | gəspɐdʲin | gentleman |
магази́н | məgɐzʲin | shop, store |
органи́зм | ərgɐnʲizm | organism |
Lesson 12: ь
ка́мень | kamʲɪnʲ | stone |
па́дать | padətʲ | to fall |
во́семь | vosʲɪmʲ | eight |
сте́пень | stʲepʲɪnʲ | degree, extent |
ско́рость | skorəstʲ | speed |
секрета́рь | sʲekrʲetarʲ | secretary |
ра́дость | radəstʲ | gladness, joy |
культу́ра | kʊlʲturə | culture |
здоро́вье | zdɐrovjʲɪ | health |
результа́т | rʲɪzʊlʲtat | result |
роди́тель | rɐdʲitʲɪlʲ | parent |
писа́тель | pʲɪsatʲelʲ | writer |
входи́ть | fxɐdʲitʲ | to enter |
де́ньги | dʲenʲgʲɪ | money |
Lesson 13: й
война́ | vɐjna | war |
майо́р | mɐjor | major |
евре́й | ʲɪvrʲej | Jew |
райо́н | rɐjon | region |
лейтена́нт | lʲɪʲtʲɪnant | lieutenant |
войска́ | vɐjska | forces |
засто́й | zɐstoj | stagnation |
музе́й | muzʲej | museum |
войти́ | vɐjtʲi | to enter |
ино́й | ɪnoj | other |
дре́вний | drʲevnʲɪj | ancient |
де́йствие | dʲejstvʲɪʲɪ | action |
геро́й | gʲɪroj | hero |
Lesson 14: ш
On the IPA chart of the vowels the letter [i] is a front vowel (tongue root pushed forward). The retroflex letter {ш} has a retracted tongue root which actually makes it difficult for a front vowel like [i] to follow easily. This is why /i/ and /ɪ/ turn into [ɨ], the retracted version. By the way, [ɨ] is essentially the same as {ы}.
мешо́к | mʲɪšok | sack |
шко́ла | školə | school |
пешехо́д | pʲɪšɨxot | pedestrian |
шу́тка | šutkə | joke |
петру́шка | pʲɪtruškə | parsley |
душа́ | dʊša | soul |
де́вушка | dʲevʊškə | girl |
маши́на | mɐšɨnə | car |
тишина́ | tʲɪšɨna | silence |
шланг | šlаnk | hose |
ло́шадь | lošədʲ | horse |
Lesson 15: ж as voiced [ž] and unvoiced [š]
Same thing happening here with {ж} as with {ш} in the last lesson causing front vowels to become [ɨ]. Also take note that the combination {зж} palatalizes the sequence, hence becoming [źź] as explained in my previous Russian pronunciation article- Native Russian Pronunciation 1: Five Difficulties Explained.
ко́жа | kožə | skin |
нож | noš | knife |
жена́ | žɨna | wife |
жа́ло | žalə | sting |
жа́жда | žaždə | thirst |
оде́жда | ɐdʲeždə | clothing |
паде́ж | pɐdʲeš | grammatical case |
наде́жда | nɐdʲeždə | hope |
пре́жде | prʲeždʲɪ | formerly |
жест | žɨst | gesture |
уже́ | ʊžʲe | already |
ну́жно | nužnə | must |
журна́л | žʊrnal | journal |
ме́жду | mʲeždʊ | between |
у́жас | užəs | terror |
по́зже | poźźʲɪ | later |
за́муж | zamʊš | married of women |
живо́т | žɨvot | stomach |
жир | žɨr | grease |
инжене́р | ɪnžɨnʲer | engineer |
жела́ние | žɨlanʲɪʲɪ | wish |
движе́ние | dvʲɪženʲɪʲɪ | movement |
ору́жие | ɐružɨʲɪ | weapon |
гара́ж | gɐraš | garage |
жале́ть | žɐlʲetʲ | pity |
дождь | doždʲ | rain |
ждать | ždаtʲ | to wait |
жить | žɨtʲ | to live |
жари́ть | žɐrʲitʲ | to roast |
жи́тель | žɨtʲɪlʲ | inhabitant, resident, dweller |
жизнь | žɨznʲ | life |
Lesson 16: я as stressed [ja] and unstressed [ʲə]
Notice here that when {я} is surrounded by two palatal consonants, they push the vowel forward to [æ] as in the word for 'five': пять. This has less to do with Russian and more to do with the physics of the tongue vs time/speed: since [ʲ] is a high-front glide, the word in question wants the tongue to reverse direction all the way to a low-back [a] and then reverse direction yet again all the way back to a high-front [ʲ]. Because of the speed at which people speak, they don't go all the way back, instead it's a fluid motion from high > low > high, all maintained with a forward tongue root, which means the [a] now sounds like [æ].
Reflexive Verbs ending in {-ться} are pronounced [tsə].
вре́мя | vrʲemʲə | time |
во́время | vovrʲɪmʲə | on time |
во́ля | volʲə | will |
дя́дя | dʲadʲə | uncle |
поря́док | pɐrʲadək | order |
дере́вня | dʲɪrʲevnʲə | village |
неде́ля | nʲɪdʲelʲə | week |
ку́хня | kuxnʲə | kitchen |
возня́ | vɐznʲa | fuss |
заря́ | zɐrʲa | dawn |
земля́ | zʲɪmlʲa | earth |
и́мя | imʲə | name |
компа́ния | kɐmpanʲɪʲə | company |
а́рмия | armʲɪʲə | army |
па́ртия | partʲɪʲə | party |
ли́ния | lʲinʲɪʲə | line |
иде́я | ɪdʲeʲə | idea |
Росси́я | rɐssʲiʲə | Russia |
исто́рия | ɪstorʲɪʲə | history |
хозя́ин | xɐzʲaʲɪn | master, boss, host |
тя́га | tʲagə | draft |
я́года | jagədə | berry |
взгляд | vzglʲat | glance |
Герма́ния | gʲermanʲɪʲə | Germany |
опя́ть | ɐpʲætʲ | again |
па́мять | pamʲətʲ | memory |
де́вять | dʲevʲətʲ | nine |
статья́ | stɐtʲja | article |
семья́ | sʲɪmʲja | family |
нельзя́ | nʲɪlʲzʲa | must not |
связь | svʲæsʲ | connection |
ше́я | šeʲə | neck |
гуля́ш | gʊlʲaš | goulash |
Lesson 17: б as voiced [b] and unvoiced [p]
бето́н | bʲɪton | concrete |
ара́б | ɐrap | arab |
оборо́т | əbɐrot | rotation, turn |
рабо́та | rɐbotə | work |
о́блако | obləkə | cloud |
блокно́т | blɐknot | notebook |
пробле́ма | prɐblʲemə | problem |
обе́д | ɐbʲet | lunch |
побе́да | pɐbʲedə | victory |
соба́ка | sɐbakə | dog |
спо́соб | sposəp | method, way, mode |
свобо́да | svɐbodə | freedom |
обхо́д | ɐbxot | round, tour |
буке́т | bʊkʲet | bouquet |
бу́ква | bukvə | alphabet letter |
труба́ | trʊba | pipe |
бру́тто | bruttə | gross weight |
буру́н | bʊrun | surf |
бура́н | bʊran | snowstorm |
бу́дка | butkə | booth |
бу́дет | budʲɪt | will |
бу́хта | buxtə | bay |
забо́та | zɐbotə | care |
о́браз | obrəs | manner, shape |
арбу́з | ɐrbus | watermelon |
кабине́т | kəbʲɪnʲet | study, office |
тре́бование | trʲebəvənʲɪʲɪ | demand |
биле́т | bʲɪlʲet | ticket |
оби́да | ɐbʲidə | insult |
спаси́бо | spɐsʲibə | gratitude, thanks |
бе́рег | bʲerʲɪk | shore |
бума́га | bʊmagə | paper |
белу́га | bʲɪlugə | beluga |
изги́б | ɪzgʲip | bend |
борьба́ | bɐrʲba | fight, struggle |
боле́ть | bɐlʲetʲ | be sick |
кора́бль | kɐrablʲ | ship |
о́бласть | obləstʲ | province |
бульва́р | bʊlʲvar | boulevard |
судьба́ | sʊdʲba | fate |
боле́знь | bɐlʲeznʲ | illness, sickness, disease |
убира́ть | ʊbʲɪratʲ | to clear away |
а́йсберг | ajsbʲɪrk | iceberg |
ба́бушка | babʊškə | grandmother |
оши́бка | ɐšɨbkə | mistake, error |
слу́жба | službə | service |
бага́ж | bɐgaš | baggage |
ребя́та | rʲebjatə | children |
Lesson 18: ч
This letter is palatal {ć}. It is not equivalent to English {ch} which is what most beginners of Russian equate it to. It is much closer to the {tu} sound in "future" unless you pronounce that with a full {ch}. Try keeping the tip of the tongue down with the bottom teeth when saying this letter.
вчера́ | fćʲɪra | yesterday |
плечо́ | plʲɪćo | shoulder |
челове́к | ćʲɪlɐvʲek | person |
нача́ло | nɐćalə | beginning |
де́вочка | dʲevəćkə | little girl |
ка́чество | kaćʲɪstvə | quality |
встре́ча | fstrʲećə | meeting |
заче́м | zɐćʲem | reason why |
че́рез | ćʲerʲɪs | through |
зада́ча | zɐdaćə | problem, task |
причи́на | prʲɪćʲinə | cause |
лече́ние | lʲɪćʲenʲɪʲɪ | treatment, cure |
значе́ние | znɐćʲenʲɪʲe | meaning |
помо́чь | pɐmoćʲ | to help |
конча́ть | kɐnćatʲ | to finish |
о́чень | oćʲɪnʲ | very |
о́чередь | oćʲɪrʲɪdʲ | queue |
ма́льчик | malʲćʲɪk | boy |
чита́тель | ćʲɪtatʲɪlʲ | reader |
ли́чность | lʲićnəstʲ | personality |
слу́чай | slućəj | case |
мужчи́на | mʊśʲinə | man |
Lesson 19: щ
I'm going to repeat what I posted in the alphabet article about this letter in case you didn't see it.
A lot of old textbooks teach this letter transcribed as the compound "shch", but I'm afraid that this is misleading because the Russian language is in a state of flux. Research was done as far back as the 1960s and found only about 20% of the population still had such a hypercorrect pronunciation and only among the elderly at that. Today it has all but vanished. Today the letter sounds just like the Croatian or Polish ś.
щека́ | śʲɪka | cheek |
существо́ | sʊśʲɪstvo | creature |
о́вощи | ovəśʲɪ | vegetables |
ощуще́ние | aśʊśʲenʲɪʲɪ | sensation, feeling |
по́мощь | poməśʲ | help |
треща́ть | trʲɪśatʲ | to crackle |
пло́щадь | plośədʲ | square, area |
же́нщина | ženśʲɪnə | woman |
я́щик | jaśʲɪk | box |
сообща́ | sɐɐpśa | jointly |
о́бщество | opśʲɪstvə | society |
о́бщий | opśʲɪj | general |
Lesson 20: ё
ёлка | jolkə | fir |
полёт | pɐlʲot | flight |
пелёнка | pʲelʲonkə | diaper |
орёл | ɐrʲol | eagle |
перёд | pʲɪrʲot | front |
самолёт | səmɐlʲot | airplane |
делёж | dʲɪlʲoš | distribution |
тётя | tʲotʲə | aunt |
ребёнок | rʲɪbʲonək | child |
бельё | bʲɪlʲjo | linen |
счёт | śʲot | the bill |
ещё не | ʲɪśʲo nʲɪ | not yet |
Lesson 21: ы
о́пыт | opɨt | experience |
попы́тка | pɐpɨtkə | attempt |
на́вык | navɨk | skill |
ры́нок | rɨnək | market |
вы́лет | vɨlʲɪt | taking off |
вы́вод | vɨvət | withdrawal |
вы́пад | vɨpət | thrust |
дыра́ | dɨra | hole |
высота́ | vɨsɐta | height |
вы́хлоп | vɨxləp | exhaust |
о́тдых | oddɨx | relaxation |
вы́ход | vɨxət | exit |
вы́куп | vɨkʊp | redemption |
вы́пуск | vɨpʊsk | output |
вы́ступ | vɨstʊp | projection |
вы́воз | vɨvəs | export |
вы́зов | vɨzəf | summons |
вы́рез | vɨrʲɪs | a notch |
вы́езд | vɨʲɪst | departure |
му́зыка | muzɨkə | music |
вы́года | vɨgədə | advantage |
взыва́ть | vzɨvatj | to appeal |
пе́рвый | pʲervɨj | first |
у́мный | umnɨj | clever |
кры́ша | krɨšə | roof |
вышина́ | vɨšɨna | height |
лы́жа | lɨžə | ski |
вы́жать | vɨžətj | survive |
ка́ждый | každɨj | every |
язы́к | jɐzɨk | language |
ры́ба | rɨbə | fish |
вы́бор | vɨbər | choice |
бы́ло | bɨlə | was |
улы́бка | ʊlɨbkə | smile |
буты́лка | bʊtɨlkə | bottle |
удо́бный | ʊdobnɨj | convenient |
ты́сяча | tɨsjəćə | thousand |
тёмный | tjomnɨj | shady |
чёрный | ćjornɨj | black |
Lesson 22: ц
оте́ц | ɐtʲec | father |
цвето́к | cvʲɪtok | flower |
цена́ | cʲɪna | price |
коне́ц | kɐnʲec | end |
не́мец | nʲemʲɪc | a German |
акце́нт | ɐkcʲent | accent |
вене́ц | vʲɪnʲec | crown |
вконе́ц | fkɐnʲec | completely |
па́лец | palʲɪc | finger |
молоде́ц | məlɐdʲec | well done |
сце́на | scʲenə | scene |
проце́сс | prɐcʲess | process |
со́лнце | solncʲɪ | sun |
се́рдце | sʲertcʲɪ | heart |
пти́ца | ptʲicə | bird |
при́нцип | prʲincʲɪp | principle |
лицо́ | lʲɪco | face |
страни́ца | strɐnʲicə | page |
столи́ца | stɐlʲicə | capital |
у́лица | ulʲɪcə | street |
грани́ца | grɐnʲicа | border |
организа́ция | ərgənʲɪzacʲɪjə | organization |
ме́сяц | mʲesʲəc | month |
интона́ция | ɪntɐnacʲɪjə | intonation |
опера́ция | əpʲɪracʲɪjə | operation |
мили́ция | mʲɪlʲicʲɪjə | militia |
ста́нция | stancʲɪjə | station |
ситуа́ция | sʲɪtʊacʲɪjə | situation |
бое́ц | bɐʲec | fighter |
мы́шца | mɨšcə | muscle |
Lesson 23: ю as stressed [ʲu] and unstressed [ʲʊ̈]
меню́ | mʲɪnʲu | menu |
валю́та | vɐlʲutə | currency |
костю́м | kɐstʲum | costume, suit |
всю́ду | fsʲudʊ | everywhere |
сою́з | sɐjus | union |
парашю́т | pərɐšʲut | parachute |
бюро́ | bʲʊ̈ro | office |
дебю́т | dʲɪbʲut | debut |
любо́вь | lʲʊ̈bofʲ | love |
револю́ция | rʲɪvɐlʲucʲɪjə | revolution |
Lesson 24: э
поэ́т | pɐɛt | poet |
эта́п | ɪtap | stage |
экза́мен | ɪɡzamʲɪn | examination |
силуэ́т | sʲɪlʊɛt | silhouette |
эта́ж | ɪtaš | storey |
Lesson 25: ф
ко́фе | kofʲɪ | coffee |
телефо́н | tʲɪlʲɪfon | telephone |
профе́ссор | prɐfʲessər | professor |
фра́за | frazə | phrase |
фи́рма | fʲirmə | firm |
графи́т | grɐfʲit | graphite |
фигу́ра | fʲɪgurə | figure |
фами́лия | fɐmilʲɪjə | surname |
фотогра́фия | fətɐgrafʲɪjə | photography |
буфе́т | bʊfʲet | buffet |
бу́фер | bufʲer | buffer |
офице́р | əfʲɪcʲer | officer |
информа́ция | ʲɪnfɐrmacʲɪjə | information |
Lesson 26: г as voiced /v/
сего́ | sʲɪvo | self |
сего́дня | sʲɪvodnʲə | today |
кра́сного | krasnəvə | of a red |
хоро́шего | xɐrošɨvə | of a good |
него́ | nʲɪvo | of his |
моего́ | məʲɪvo | of mine |
но́вого | novəvə | of a new |
си́него | sʲinʲɪvə | of a blue |
того́ | tɐvo | of that |
э́того | ɛtəvə | of this |
одного́ | ədnɐvo | of one |
ва́шего | vašɨvə | of Yours |
на́шего | našɨvə | of ours |
твоего́ | tvəʲɪvo | of yours |
кого́ | kɐvo | of whose |
чёрного | ćʲornəvə | of a black |
молодо́го | məlɐdovə | of a young |
бо́льшего | bolʲšɨvə | of a large |
не́чего | nʲećʲɪvə | needn't |
ничего́ | nʲićʲɪvo | nothing |
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