2020-07-30 20:08
Indonesian Input Update
We know that it's important to get a right answer as quickly and easily as possible. This important update now includes fuzzy match on foreign personal names, reduplication, currency, and numbers. Examples follow: Fuzzy Name Match: Names don't have to be spelled exactly as in the original translation: "Klara" or "Clara" or even "Claire" are all okay! Reduplication: You may enter reduplicated words with "2" and hyphens are optional: "anak-anak" or "anak2" "berdesak-desakan" or "berdesakdesakan" or "berdesak2an" Numbers: Optional spaces in numbers: "duapuluh" or "dua puluh" is okay! Currency: Optional currency symbols or spellings: "seratus dua puluh dolar" or "$120" or "120" Just a reminder that we still provide fuzzy accents, capitalization, and punctuation: Accents are optional: Accents are here to help you with pronunciation, and are not expected to be typed (applies to all Glossika languages): "bésok" or "besok" Capitalization is optional: "Saya sudah..." or "saya sudah..." "di New York" or "di new york" Punctuation is all optional: "Berapa umurmu?" or "berapa umurmu"
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2020-03-11 10:04
Additional typing compatibility
We've added compatibility for two high frequency split morpheme vocabulary: -達/たち/だち and -付/つ/づ. Originally if our translator had used kanji, a complete match with the root was required as in 友達 or deprecated to ともだち but wouldn't accept 友だち which is a frequent spelling used by students. We've added this compatibility. Now all combinations will work: 友達、友だち、とも達 (not recommended, but still accepted!)、ともだち、友dachi、ともdachi, and several more combinations. There are many more split morphemes that may appear in bounded compound words and we're adding compatibility for more. If you find that an answer is not accepted, although you're certain you're using the right kanji, try switching to all hiragana. We have made efforts to accept kanji beyond the standard Jouyou sets as correct, but not necessarily every possible variation. Kanji also have many alternative, traditional, or older variants, and we currently do not support them.
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2020-02-27 10:44
Recording feature is now available for the listening-only mode.
Self-Awareness is your best recipe for success. By listening and comparing your recordings to native speakers, your own discoveries about your pronunciation can be even more powerful than a teacher telling you. We strongly recommend recording as many of your sentences as possible, even at the earliest stages of learning. This is because your tongue is learning small movements that will become more and more natural over time which can be triggered in real-time conversations. There are many pitfalls at the beginning and if you're struggling but putting in effort, it means you're progressing!
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2020-02-27 10:39
New feature: More Flexible Ways to Do Review
Doing review is inevitable in learning a language, and we've made it easy and more flexible for you! You can now do review your way, whether it's reviewing items with the weakest memory strength or by playing sentences saved in your favorite list non-stop! *If you are having trouble loading the new update, please try logging in again.
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2019-11-20 17:13
Maintenance Notification
Glossika is temporarily under maintenance. We'll bring Glossika back as soon as possible.
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2019-11-01 20:14
* 泰文的羅馬字發音現在使用「皇家泰語轉寫通用系統」的新版本。我們使用兩種羅馬字:1)聲調符號在核心母音上,2)聲調在每個音節後面方便學習者打字 (M)中聲、(H)高聲、(L)低聲、(F)降聲、(R)升聲 * 新的版本有以下變化:長母音寫兩次,送氣音加-h,無送氣音沒有-h,濁音按照英文b/d/g 來表示 (不過泰文沒有濁音g) * 以 AI 演算法更新了分音節方法 * 多音節詞彙以橫線組織起來,方便您閱讀 (打字時可以忽略橫線!) * 我們保留外國名字原本的英文拼法,但是打字時您可以選擇忽略不打,或者使用用泰文、羅馬字、英文拼寫。 * 這次文字的更新還存在幾個小問題,例如一些長短音跟羅馬字的拼法,我們會盡快更新 * 我們目前正在準備推出追蹤泰文詞彙的工具,敬請期待!
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2019-10-23 15:00
Japanese bug update
お伺- indicating long "o", has been corrected to "ou-"
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2019-10-23 14:59
Persian input update
Fuzzy spelling for ى and ی and ي are now interchangeable and accepted as correct.
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