【職場英文】破解 10 個英文面試必出現的問題!

為了尋求更好的待遇及發展,許多人會積極地尋找外商公司的工作機會,該怎麼在英文面試中對答如流呢?Glossika 幫你整裡出 10 組英文面試時必定會出現的題目,事先準備、熟悉英文面試應答內容與技巧,讓你在面試時脫穎而出!

1. Tell me about yourself. 請你簡短的自我介紹


I am now a senior at National Taiwan University majoring in International Business. I am an outgoing person who enjoys working with people. Since little, English has always been my best subject and my strength. With my language ability, I took an internship as a translator for one year.

2. What challenges have you faced? How did you handle them? 你遇過哪些困難或挑戰?你是怎麼面對的?


When I worked as a waitress, I had to deal with rude and picky customers frequently. I had to set my emotions aside and tried to talk to them patiently. From these experiences, I have learned to be a good communicator and to interact with people more appropriately.

3. What are your weaknesses? 你的缺點或弱項是什麼?


I am not good at public speaking; I tend to get too nervous to speak smoothly in front of people. Therefore, I joined the English Club at my school recently in order to get better at speaking in front of the crowd.

4. How do you handle stress and pressure? 面對壓力時,你是如何解決的?


I actually perform better when I am under pressure. I find myself more productive and effective when I am in a challenging circumstance. When I do projects, the stress of deadline makes me more concentrated and helps me complete my work faster.

5. What are your goals? 你的目標是什麼?


My immediate goal is to find a position where I can contribute my strength and knowledge. I want to gain more job experiences to improve my professional skills. In five years, I hope to become an expert in the field and grow into a managerial position.

6. What do you know about our company? 對於我們公司,你了解多少?


ABC company is currently the largest multinational package delivery company in South East Asia with an excellent reputation. The company not only cares about customers but also employees. I have known about your company for a long time, and I am eager to work here and contribute to the company.

7. Why are you interested in this job? 你為什麼對這份工作有興趣?


I am interested in this job because I like teaching and interacting with children. It is important that you are passionate about your work and enjoy what you do. I believe that this job can help enhance and refine my profession. Other than that, after knowing the company’s mission statements are in line with my values, your company is the best choice.

8. Why should we hire you? 我們為什麼要雇用你?


With two-year internship experience in the industry and the professional skills I have, I am confident that I would be a great addition to your company. I can adapt to the new environment quickly, and as an outgoing and easygoing person, I can work well with the team. I am passionate about this job and am ready to contribute my strength and knowledge.

9. What salary are you expecting? 你預期有怎麼樣的薪資?


I believe that $35000 seems to be the average number of this position in the industry. However, I would like to know the range of salary for someone with my background? I would love to hear your offer.

10. Do you have any question for us? 你有什麼問題想問的嗎?

這個問題通常會作為面試的結尾,很多人傻傻地就回了沒有,那就錯了!就算前面已經問答得很詳細,你還是要盡可能找 1-2 個問題提問,表現出自己積極的那一面。你可以問任何關於公司或者這份工作的問題,像是員工培訓計畫等等的。這不僅能表現出你對這個職位的在意程度,也能讓自己更了解公司。

  1. I would like to know if there are any employee training programs in the company.
  2. What is the most important consideration for this position?
  3. What are the skills you’re looking for in an ideal candidate?
  4. Are there any qualifications that you think I am missing?

台上一分鐘,台下十年功,面對英文面試時的談吐表現,和英文聽力及表達息息相關,練習英文面試考古題之餘,額外的英文聽說能力一定也不能忽略。Glossika 提供大量的英文句子內容和母語人士聲音檔,除了大家熟悉的美式英文,還有提供英式英文口音,透過反覆練習讓你在面試時更亮眼!

還沒有試用過 Glossika 嗎?我們提供免費 7 天試用,立即註冊增強英文聽說能力!


  1. 【英文發音】6 個你該重視的英文發音細節
  2. 【職場英文】還不會寫英文求職信?掌握這些重點讓你脫穎而出!
  3. 【英文學習】自學英文總是半途而廢?小心這 5 大陷阱!
  4. 免費下載電子書:Glossika 你不知道的英文發音